How to Edit with the Light and Airy Photography Style {in Lightroom}

how to edit light and airy style

I love shooting and editing in the Light and Airy Style. It’s consistent, it’s beautiful and easy to apply to every shooting situation or location. 

To achieve a Light and Airy style in Lightroom with editing, I actually do something counter-intuitive:

I shoot underexposed in camera. 


  1. Shooting underexposed in camera helps you retain details in the highlights. 

Are you photographing a bride’s white dress but can no longer see the detail in the lace because the white became “blown-out”?

Your answer my friend, is shooting underexposed. 

Luckily, with Sueña Presets, your highlights are already turned down to show off the details in the highlights, but shooting underexposed certainly helps. 

2. Shooting underexposed helps you retain the colors in the sky. 

When you adjust your photo using Sueña Presets and bring up your exposure to where you’d like it- you might think your sky is lost! But you’d be wrong. Shooting underexposed keeps the data in the colors and details in the sky. 

You can bring those colors and details right back, using Lightroom’s new ‘Select Sky’ Mask (which is amazing), or a good old fashioned gradient. 

A lot of people think that you need to shoot “Light and Airy” in camera, and it couldn’t be further from the truth. Once your highlights are over-exposed they are gone forever and that data is never coming back. 

Another reason to shoot underexposed to achieve a Light and Airy photography look?

3. Skin tones. 

I don’t know the science behind it, but when you shoot underexposed, and lift up the exposure later in Lightroom, skin tones look beautiful, creamy and buttery (choose your fave adjective here). And with Sueña Presets, skin tones look less red, and more sun-kissed too! 

Happy Shooting!

Misti Marquette

Misti has over 15 years experience in the hospitality industry. Starting her career as an interior designer for 5 star resorts she then moved into her long tenure as a destination wedding photographer. Equipped with expert destination wedding knowledge in Mexico, she and her husband Colin are excited to bring you Mexico Wedding Travel Bookings.

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